Starting university can often be a very scary yet one of the most exciting times ever ( much like your first day of high school). We often feel very optimistic when it comes to starting university but by the end of the year we would feel exhausted yet pleased with ourselves. This could be due to the fact that we had so many things to learn about university ,not just the educational side but your emotional side as well. From my personal experience here are the three main things I've learnt in my first year of university:
- Time management - Time is very important as it can either make you or break you. Poor time management would mean poor assignment results.
- Independence- In university, teachers are only their for support. You have to do everything yourself such as researching, and reading in advance fir next class.
- Asking your teachers for help- Since your lecturers generally can't check your assignment, it is important you ask as many questions as possible whilst you still have the time . This will help you get a better grade in your assignment and have a better relationship with your teachers.